Nque es el kwashiorkor pdf

Pure redcell aplasia in marasmus and kwashiorkor treated with riboflavine. Marasmo y kwashiorkor pediatria linkedin slideshare. A childhood disease that is caused by protein deprivation. Its most common in some developing regions where babies and children do not get enough protein or other essential nutrients in their diet. Kwashiorkor is a form of severe protein malnutrition characterized by edema and an enlarged liver with fatty infiltrates. It is a classical video of kwashiorkor showing all the signs of the disease.

Kwashiorkor y marasmokwashiorkor en ninos hospitalizados. It is caused by sufficient calorie intake, but with insufficient protein consumption, which distinguishes it from marasmus. Kaneshiro, md, mha, clinical professor of pediatrics, university of washington school of medicine, seattle, wa. It is a type of malnutrition which is caused when an individual is unable to get enough proteins in the body through food. The main sign of kwashiorkor is too much fluid in the bodys tissues, which causes swelling under the skin oedema. More advanced signs are poor growth, lack of stamina, loss of muscle mass, swelling, abnormal hair sparse, thin, often streaky red or gray hair in darkskinned children, and abnormal skin that darkens in irritated but not sunexposed areas. Early signs include apathy, drowsiness, and irritability. Correction of essential fattyacid deficiency in man by the cutaneous application of sunflowerseed oil. Desnutricion,marasmo, kwashiorkor linkedin slideshare.

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