Xomicron user patch v1-10355

Private testing and optimization are underway and public testing is. Its primary focus is to correct several long existing issues with the ai system and related game elements. The reason for this patch to be so aispesific for the 1. However, while having several hundred villagers doing their own thing is fine, its really difficult to take full advantage of the. Tbh, this patch was never meant to be known about here until later. Anyone know how to make this patch work, but with nocd check. Im wont to bring something back to this awsome community. Or will the patch have minimal, or no effect at all with alliancethundaempires gameplay. Will alliancethundaempire be able to make use of this patch s ai updates. We originally thought this would be awesome and were excited about massive battles with large groups of troops. Will this patch work fine with alliancethundaempire ais gameplay or perhaps make it play better. This remains subject to change, and compatibility is not guaranteed with the final release. Its primary focus is to correct several long existing issues. After some bugs ive released a new version of this application.

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